Preliminary ecological survey

A PEA is a crucial step in the process of developing any site. It provides invaluable information about important habitats and protected species on-site so that they can be considered during development, yet this preliminary assessment cannot take into account every possible factor for consideration and will sometimes highlight a requirement for further protected species surveys.

protected species

what is included?

Details about the habitats present on site, the species and potential species found on the site, the value and significance of the habitats and species on the site, the potential impact of development on those species and habitats, any legal and planning policy issues.

The comprehensive PDF report includes the following information:

  • An informed impact assessment

  • Mitigation recommendations

  • Compensation and enhancement where necessary

  • GIS Mapping of habitats (Phase 1 Habitat Map)

  • Photos of ecological features

The report is informed by the site walkover survey which is supported by our drones for easy habitat mapping so you can get your planning back on track.